Human Resources elearning
Home Worker E-Learning Course£7.50 + VAT
This course will help that home worker to identify the
risks and hazards and put controls in place to help keep them safe.
Home Worker E-Learning Course
Hazards are apparent in every workplace, even when you work from home. The
same consideration must be given for safety as it would be if the worker was
situated in an office. This course will help that home worker to identify the
risks and hazards and put controls in place to help keep them safe.
The course has a multiple-choice test at the end and successful delegates
will get a downloadable certificate to show they have completed and understood
the contents of this course.
- Safety Essentials For Home Workers
- Why Health And Safety?
- Your Work Space
- Floor Surfaces
- Stairs
- Fire Doors
- Lighting
- Temperature
- Ventilation
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
- Portable Electrical Appliances
- Other Work Equipment
- Accidents
- Manual Handling
- Housekeeping
- Preventing Fire
- Dealing With A Fire
- Expectant Or New Mothers
- Children