Free Painting & Decorating Health & Safety checklist

For most business owners Health & Safety can be a daunting and complex task and when working with potentially hazardous substances in painting and decorating, there’s an extra layer of pressure to get your Health & Safety nailed.

To help keep you and your people safe, as well as meet requirements for tenders and commercial work. our sector-specific guide covers the must-knows in the industry, including:

  • Common hazards
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
  • Specific considerations when using house paints
  • Top tips from our industry experts

Simply fill out your details in the form opposite to get this free Painting & Decorating Health & Safety checklist delivered to your inbox!

You can also take a look at our painting and decorating method statement or risk assessments which will help you provide this work safely.

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