Managing ventilation in the workplace and vehicles
One of the key control measures in relation to a COVID-secure workplace and vehicle is ventilation. The fresher the air that flows through your premises or vehicle, the less likely any exhaled COVID-19 virus molecules are to gather within the area and the less likely your team are to inhale them and become ill.
The HSE have highlighted ventilation as one of the most important ways to prevent COVID-19 transmission in the workplace.
To reduce sickness absence, protect your employees, and keep your business running as usual, good ventilation is a must-have! This expert guide can help.
Download your FREE copy of our full guide now, where you can access:
- Key considerations for all workplaces
- Identifying risk areas
- Other factors affecting risk (such as occupancy, furniture and airflows, size, etc)
- Ventilation in vehicles
- Plus, much more!
Simply enter your details in the form to download your copy.