On-Demand Webinar & Slides: Safe Site Shutdown

The festive period has arrived, and it may well be time for you to think about closing your site over Christmas. But before shutting up shop, you need to make sure you’ve got everything covered to close safely and compliantly.

Are you confident you have everything in place to conduct the necessary checks before closing your doors?

Tick all the compliance boxes by watching our on-demand webinar below – plus, leave your details on the form opposite to get a copy of the slides directly to your inbox!

During the webinar, we cover the following topics to help you make a start on winding down and keeping your business safe and secure over the holidays:

  • Site security and guarding against theft
  • Fire risk assessments and essential safety checks
  • Site visits and maintenance
  • Other considerations – sensitive documents, who is responsible, unauthorised access and more.

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