Toolbox Talks
Site & Factory Work Toolbox Talks

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Site & Factory Work Toolbox Talks
A Site and Factory Work Toolbox Talks written by Health and Safety experts to support your business in being legally compliant.
With our package of toolbox talks, you get a number of well-formed notes, questions and information to help guide you through a 15-minute toolbox talk about your chosen subject. You also get a toolbox talk attendance sign-in sheet to enable you to keep a permanent assigned record of attendees.
Included in this package are toolbox talks for the following subjects:
- Abrasive Wheels
- Buried Services
- Control of Dust & Fumes
- Electricity on Site
- Excavations
- Fire Prevention and Control
- Plant & Equipment
- Pollution Control
- Portable, Hand Held Electrical Tools (PAT)
- Protection of Eyes
- Protection of Skin
- Safety in Demolition
- Safety with Steelwork
- Vehicle Fuels
- Weils Disease (Leptospirosis)
- Working in Confined Spaces
Each set of toolbox talks comes in its own separate word document (15 in total) in a zip file. This allows you to simply print one at a time and make your own additions or notes as required.